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Transparency Register
News article2 April 2024European Commission, European Parliament, Council of the European Union1 min read

Transparency register got a new design and functionality, without an impact on existing registrations!

The new Transparency register IT platform has been launched, enhancing the look and the user experience of the TR website. It provides a brand new user interface in a safe restricted area.

This change has no impact on the information that applicants and registrants are asked to provide in the register, hence no specific action is required on their part. Equally, there is no need for any update to ‘migrate’ to the new platform.

When logging in to your registration in the new platform you access your new ‘restricted space’:

  • You still need your EU login account to access this ‘restricted space’;
  • Access to all registrations to which you have access/for which you are responsible for is possible through the same 'restricted space' (the rule regarding one email address per registration does not apply)

Note that all interactions with the TR Secretariat take place through the ‘restricted space’. This means that in order to submit a complaint, or send a query (‘contact us’) you need an EU login account. All the replies to your queries are available in your “restricted space” and you will be notified by the system (with an email notification) each time a new message arrives there.

Please note that European Parliament accreditations are no longer requested through the Transparency register. For more information please consult the news item regarding EP accreditations.
