Complaints - European Union
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Transparency Register


If you have information that a registrant is not observing the code of conduct for the Transparency Register, you can lodge a complaint (click the button below).

In response, the Secretariat may open an investigation (in accordance with Annex III to the interinstitutional agreement).

Your complaint must be made no later than 1 year after the alleged non-observance and must be supported by evidence.

We cannot accept anonymous complaints – but we will not reveal your identity publicly (unless you want us to).

Please note that this form is NOT for helpdesk or technical assistance from the Secretariat. This complaints form is for complaints to the Secretariat about any suspected non-observance of the Transparency Register’s Code of conduct by (other) registrants. For any other issues, please USE THE CONTACT FORM

See here about how we will handle your personal data.