Conditions on contacts with EU institutions - European Union
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Transparency Register

Conditions on contacts with EU institutions

To promote transparent and ethical dealings with interest groups, the EU institutions place certain conditions on their interaction with these bodies.

This principle ('conditionality') is laid down in the interinstitutional agreement on a Transparency register. 

Each institution implements this principle by making one of 2 types of individual decisions

  1. Conditionality measures - these make certain activities by interest representatives conditional on them having registered in the Transparency register.
  2. Complementary transparency measures - these further encourage registration and strengthen transparency.

All conditionality and complementary transparency measures adopted by the 3 main EU institutions (Commission, Council and Parliament), are published below.

There may also be measures from other EU institutions and from EU countries (covering interest representative interaction with their permanent representations to the EU).

The secretariat has issued Guidelines on the implementation of Article 11 of the interinstitutional agreement to facilitate other EU institutions and bodies’ adoption of measures linked to the Transparency register.

Decisions marked with * are conditionality measures (meaning prior registration is necessary).

The following conditionality and complementary transparency measures have been notified to the management board (decisions marked with * are conditionality measures for which prior registration is necessary):