Legal references and data protection - European Union
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Transparency Register

Legal references and data protection

Code of conduct

Applicants are eligible to be entered in the Transparency register if they follow certain ethical and behavioural principles in the course of their interest representation work with the EU institutions.

These principles are set out in a code of conduct annexed to the interinstitutional agreement and are summarised below.


Registrants must:

(a) in their relations with any EU institution always identify themselves by name and registration number and state which organisation(s) they work for or represent

(b) declare the interests and objectives they promote, and specify the clients or members whom they represent as well as, where applicable, their registration number

(c) not (try to) obtain information or decisions dishonestly or by use of undue pressure, improper behaviour or offensive language

(d) not abuse their registration for commercial gain or distort or misrepresent the effect of registration

(e) not damage the reputation of the register or cause any harm to the EU institutions or use their logos without express authorisation

(f) ensure that the information they provide when registering is complete, up to date, accurate and not misleading, and agree to it being made public

(g) follow the relevant rules, codes and guidelines established by the EU institutions

(h) not induce MEPs, Commissioners or EU staff to contravene the rules and standards of behaviour applicable to them

(i) if employing former MEPs, Commissioners or EU staff, follow the confidentiality requirements and rules they are bound by after leaving their institution, to prevent conflicts of interest

(j) where engaged in a client-intermediary relationship:

     (i) ensure that all parties are registered

     (ii) ensure that the relevant information on the relationship is published

(k) where they outsource certain representation tasks to third parties who are not registered, ensure that they follow ethical standards that are equivalent to those applying to registrants

(l) present to the secretariat, if requested, supporting material demonstrating their eligibility and the accuracy of the information submitted, and cooperate sincerely and constructively with the secretariat

(m) acknowledge that they may be subject to the investigation procedures and other measures set out in Annex III

(n) ensure that any of their employees engaged in representation activities are informed about their commitment to observe this code

(o) inform the clients or members they represent of their commitment to observe this code 

(p) follow, and avoid obstructing, the specific access and security rules and arrangements established by the signatory institutions.


To notify the secretariat of any breach of the code by a registrant, please use the form on the complaints webpage.

Data protection